About the President of Sweepstakes Today, LLC.
Read A Newspaper Article Interviewing Craig McDanielHello, my name is Craig McDaniel. I started Sweepstakes Today first and foremost, because I love to enter and win sweepstakes. Entering sweepstakes is a hobby I picked up mostly after major surgery and I had to give up a few activities. I found the world of sweepstakes, contest and promotions is just as fun. Back in the mid 1980's and won a lot of prizes on telephone and radio call in shows about sports trivia. After winning so many prizes, the real fun came from winning and answering the trivia questions. The television shows went off the air but the not the fun towards winning prizes.
I started to play the sweeps again in 1999 on the internet after running a search for " sweepstakes " in a search engine. Like many things that came new to the internet, so did the sweeps. I can say that since then, the quality and quantity has nearly doubled every years. The prizes are getting big but more importantly, the quality of the companies or sponsors are well known and well respected.
After about 10 months of entering on a regular basis I had no big wins but a lot of small ones. All of those small wins added up to over $1,000 in things like CD's, gift certificates, radios, t-shirts and more. Then it started to happen in a big way. I won the Cars.com and Hyundai Sweepstakes. The prize was a Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. Do to some delivery delays because of a labor strike I took cash instead. After this I won a series of very nice prizes in the $200 to $600 range including a digital camera, men's and lady watches, set of golf clubs, a VCR and many small prizes under $500.
The next large prizes was a RCA 61" HDTV from the RCA Gossamer Bay Ultimate Super Bowl XXXV Sweepstakes. The sponsors were RCA and Gallo and Gossamer Bay Wines. This $5,000 prizes arrived as promised, within 24 hour of the kickoff to the Super Bowl in January 2001. Next was the Walgreen's Sweepstakes. Amazingly, this was my first mail-in sweeps and I won a Sony 32' Wega and a Sony Camcorder. The reason why I entered this one was based on the number of great prize and the odds.
After about a nine month dry spell for big prizes I received a telephone from Don Jagoda Company, a promotional company. The call was to inform me that I was one of 5 grand prize winners! There were two prizes. First was a com trip to the Michigan 400 Indy Car race. From the five grand prize winners, two of us where going to win new Chevy vehicles. Each of us was given the opportunity to draw for the keys that would start either the Chevy Malibu LS or the Chevy Silverado LS Ext. Cab 4x4. Well, I won the truck! My new friend Clara won the Malibu and recently told me that she won her second car in another sweepstakes!
My total ARV winnings are well over $75,000 now. What really put a smile on my face are the friends and acquaintances I have helped to win other great prizes. I know of 4 major wins from them. Mr. Sweepy hopes to hear many more of these stories soon.
While I can tell you about more about the stories of my wins, it's more fun for me now to offer to you my website that will give you the opportunity to win also. I tried to put the best ideas on what you would want in the sweepstakes website. Likewise, I want to give the big sweepstakes sponsors a special search engine site where they could place their links. I sincerely hope all will be happy.
Let me end this on this note. I can say that the sponsors get just as excited for the winners of their sweepstakes. They are wonderful people who have the fun job of creating the sweeps, picking out the great prizes and love their work. I simply say when you needed to think about buying a product, think of them for giving you this fantastic hobby.
Craig McDaniel, President
Sweepstakes Today, LLC.